We offer consultancy services on all aspects of aquaculture
Integrated pond culture management

Microalgae and zooplankton production

Seaweed micropropagation and farming
Feasibility studies for new aquaculture projects
System review and trouble shooting for existing farms

On farm feed formulation and processing
Diet analysis of feeds and advise on appropriate formulation for the culture species of interest

Set-up and management of fish (marine and freshwater), crustacean, and mollusk broodstock and hatchery facilities
Feed formulation and preparation designed for specific life stages of fish, crustaceans, and mollusk

Site selection, design, and operation of pond and cage culture systems for marine, brackishwater, and freshwater fishes, crustaceans, and mollusks
Our more than 25 years of research experience manifest our capability to conduct on-site trainings on hatchery, nursery and grow-out of finfish (milkfish, seabass, grouper, mangrove snapper, pompano and rabbitfish), shrimp, mud crab and seaweeds (Kappaphycus, Eucheuma and Gracilaria). We are also capable of conducting trainings on stock enhancement of abalone and oyster.
We offer the following services to develop human resources and promote sustainable aquaculture