ISDA Inc. Iloilo thru Dr. AQ Hurtado as the Technical Adviser of the Ecological Seaweed Farming (ESF) Project of ZSL-Iloilo provided series of lectures, site assessment, hands-on training on ecologically improved cultivation of Kappaphycus to seaweed farmers in Guindacpan Is. and Handumon Is. Bohol and Concepcion, Iloilo from May – December 2020.

Hands-on training on ecologically improved seaweed farming to seaweed farmers in Handumon, Bohol.
1/8 ha of an ESF project of ZSL using all ropes (soft ‘tie-tie’- free) and re-cyclable PET bottles in Handumon, Bohol.

MacSumsuk GM (MGM) Co., Ltd., a Korean
international company (www.macsumsuk.co.kr) and ISDA Inc. signed an agreement in 2018 for ISDA Inc. to test MGM’s product known as Growfeed Aqua for
mangrove (mud) crab culture in grow-out ponds in Capiz.

ISDA Inc. Iloilo City collaborated with the Pangasinan State University (PSU) for a short-term training on Mangrove. Crab Culture that was held in Iloilo City on 18-20 October 2019. This was participated by PSU staff.

ISDA Inc. members are also involved (as members of the Technical Working Group) in the preparation of Philippine National Standards on good aquaculture practices and fisheries products under the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards of the Department of Agriculture.
Upcoming Projects

A project on mangrove crab fattening for the livelihood of the coastal communities in Northern Iloilo will be conducted in collaboration with Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College (NIPSC), Estancia, Iloilo. This will be funded by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (PCAARRD-DOST) under the GALING PCAARRD Program.

A collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Surigao and Local Government Unit (LGU) of Imelda, Tubajon, Dinagat Island, Surigao to support their Shared Service Facility (SSF) Project on hatchery and grow-out of mangrove crab is another upcoming project of ISDA Inc.