Relicardo M. Coloso is a Scientist (Ret) at the Nutrition and Feed Development Section, former Program Leader of the Marine Fish Program, and former Head of the Research Division of the Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC AQD). He obtained his Ph. D. in Nutritional Sciences from Cornell University as a Fulbright-Hays Mutual Educational Exchange Grantee. He finished his M. S. degree in Biochemistry at the University of the Philippines College of Medicine on a PCAMRD-SEAFDEC scholarship and his B. S. Chemistry degree (cum laude) at University of the Philippines, Diliman, as an NSDB (National Science Development Board, now Department of Science and Technology or DOST) scholar. He obtained his secondary education as an NSDB science scholar at the Philippine Science High School. He was postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, New Jersey Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and later a postdoctoral associate at the Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University. He was also a fellow in fish nutrition at the Institute of Marine Biochemistry, Aberdeen, Scotland. He has been senior lecturer in Biochemistry at the University of the Philippines in the Visayas and, presently, professorial lecturer in Medical Biochemistry, at the College of Medicine, Central Philippine University. Presently, as Associate Professor V he teaches biochemistry and cell biology to undergraduate students at the University of San Agustin, Iloilo City. He is also the Coordinator of Mendel Institute of Science Research of University of San Agustin and Editor, Scientific Augustinian. His areas of specialization are on fish nutrition, nutritional biochemistry, amino acid and phosphorus metabolism, nutrition of and feed development for milkfish, tiger shrimp, Asian sea bass, grouper, mud crab, molluscicides, and environmental contamination and toxicology. He was a recipient of a research grant from the International Foundation for Science (IFS) in 1991. He also conducted studies on molluscicides for snail pests in brackish water ponds with a research grant from Lonza, Inc. He has conducted studies on the use of soy products as alternatives to fishmeal in milkfish feed with research grant from the United Soybean Board, USA. He has also conducted studies on feed development and improvement for milkfish and mud crab with grants from the DOST. He was consultant for feed formulation for Alson’s Corporation, an aquaculture company based in General Santos City, Philippines. He has authored and co-authored more than 35 scientific papers published in international journals and proceedings. He has served as reviewer for Aquaculture, Aquaculture Nutrition, Asian Fisheries Science, and the UPV Journal of Natural Sciences among others. Dr. Coloso is the 2016 PFCS (Philippine Federation of Chemistry Societies) Awardee for Chemical Research given at the 31st Philippine Chemistry Congress. He co-authored the textbook on Nutrition in Tropical Aquaculture which was awarded the 2004 Outstanding Book Award by the National Academy of Science and Technology. He was also a Gawad Lagablab outstanding alumni awardee from the Philippine Science High School Alumni Foundation. He is a member of Sigma Xi Honor Society, Asian Fisheries Society, Philippine Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Life member), National Research Council of the Philippines (past chairman and again presently chairman of the NRCP Visayas Cluster), Integrated Chemists of the Philippines – Panay Chapter, Philippine Society for Microbiology, Inc, the Philippine Fulbright Scholars’ Association, University of the Philippines Alumni Association, Cornell University Alumni Association, and the Philippine Science High School Alumni Association. He is currently a member of several technical working groups at the DA-Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards, developing aquaculture and fisheries national standards for the Philippines. He has also been involved in several community based civic activities as former member of Kiwanis International and now as faculty member of University of San Agustin.