Gerald F. Quinitio finished his BS Fisheries (major in Marine Fisheries) from the University of the Philippines Diliman in 1976 and MS Fisheries (Aquaculture) from the University of the Philippines Visayas in 1980 through a pre-employment scholarship from the Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC/AQD). He obtained a Doctor of Fisheries Science degree from Hokkaido University, Japan in 1989 through a Monbusho Scholarship. He worked at SEAFDEC/AQD from 1978-2004 rising from Fisheries Technician to Scientist where worked on seed production and broodstock development of milkfish, grey mullet maturation, and grouper reproductive and larval physiology. In November 2006, he joined the Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology (IMFO), College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) as a faculty member until he retired in June 2019. In UPV, he conducted research on the effect of oil spill on the maturation of rabbitfish, maturation of angel wing clam (diwal), conditioning and transport of blue swimming crab hatchery-reared for grow-out in pens, and fishing gears in Batan Bay, Aklan. He taught courses on aquatic fauna and flora, fishing technology, fish stock assessment, oceanography, fish reproductive biology, and fisheries ecology. He has mentored undergraduate and graduate (both MS and PhD) students in their research as part of their requirements to earn their degree. He was the Executive Editor of two (2) volumes of the Philippine Journal of Natural Sciences. He has held administrative positions in UPV and was the director of IMFO from October 2013 to October 2016. He is a Full Founding Member of the Asian Fisheries Society; member of the Integrated Services for the Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries (ISDA Inc.) (an organization of past and present scientists of SEAFDEC/AQD), was a Board of Director of the Philajames Visayas (an Association of Former Scholars of the Ministry of Education of Japan, Visayas Chapter), and was also the Vice President of the Asosasyon ng mga Propesyonal ng Pangisdaan ng Pilipinas, Inc. (an association of Fisheries Technologists).