Mr. Eliseo B. Coniza finished his Technical Fishery Education and B. Sc. in Fisheries Education at the Iloilo State College of fisheries in Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo in 1976 and 1983, respectively, and Master of Aquaculture degree in 1998 from UPV under the DOST-PCMARD scholarship grant. He serves as part-or- fulltime consultant of various fishponds in Panay and Negros Occidental since 1987. He was employed at SEAFDEC for 33 years where he worked on shrimp hatchery production and pond culture, and development of culture techniques of brackish (milkfish, rabbitfish or siganid, groupers, mangrove red snapper, Seabass, pompano)- and freshwater fishes (tilapia and catfish). He has undergone Intensive Prawn (Penaeus japonicus) Culture Training at the Mitsui Norin Marine Products Devt. Co. Kagoshima, Japan. March – June 1989. In April – September 1995, he was hired as Section Manager at the P.T. Dipasena Citra Darmaja Shrimp Farm at Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.